e-L'E. Conductive dans le Monde
En France, l'Education Conductive n'est pas une méthode connue. Pourtant, elle est pratiquée dans plus de 170 écoles et/ou associations dans le Monde.
Voyez plutôt, ça laisse rêveur...
Alors, pourquoi pas chez nous ? ...
CE Assoc. of W. Australia
19 Carson Street
East Victoria Park 6101
Western Australia
contact: Trevor Granland
phone: 08 9361 7500
fax: 08 9361 6363
email: katrinag22@bigpond.com
web site: www.conductiveedwa.com.au
Illawarra Conductive Education Centre
P O Box 756
Wollongong East
New South Wales
2517 Australia
contact: Derek Pyrah
ING Centre for Conductive Education
P O Box 184
New South Wales 2100 Australia
contact: Joan Bratel
phone: 02 9972 8124
fax: 02 9451 0248
email: jbratel@tscnsw.org.au
web site: www.tscnsw.org.au/services/conded
Kidman Park Primary School
Dean Avenue
Kidman Park
Adelaide 5025 Australia
contact: Meryl Davidson
phone: 011 618 353 2444
fax: 011 618 235 1357
email: mdavidso@kidmanpkps.sa.edu.au
Nate's Place
Waldheim Street,
Queensland Australia
contact: Brent Woolgar
phone: (07) 3352 3518
email: susie@natesplace.com.au
web site: www.natesplace.com.au
Noahs Ark Resource Centre
P.O Box 3294
Weston Creek 2611 Australia
contact: Centre Manager
phone: (02) 6287 1117
fax: (02) 6287 1304
email: noahsarkresources@bigpond.com
The Canberra Centre of Conductive Education
6 Adey Place
Isaacs 2607
ACT - Canberra Australia
contact: Gabriella Monus
phone: 02 62 86 95 49
email: lgmonus@webone.com.au
Institut Keil
Bergstetggasse 36- 38
A - 1170 Wien Austria
contact: Monika Weiszmann
phone: 0043 1 408 81 22
fax: 0043 1 408 81 22 16
email: office@institutkeil.at
web site: http://www.institutkeil.at
Mehrfach Therapeutisches Zentrum
MTZ - Linz
Dauphinestarsse 56
A - 4030 Linz Austria
contact: Mr Kapellner / Mrs Schmid
phone: 0043 732 30 40 20
fax: 0043 732 30 40 20 20
email: mtz-linz@aon.at
web site: http://www.therapie-mtz.at
Centre et Ecole “La Famille”
Rue Jean Jacquet 25
1081 Bruxelles Belgium
contact: Yves Bawin
phone: 02 411 31 37
fax: 02 410 93 35
email: yves.bawin@geslafamille.be
web site: www.geslafamille.be
Stap voor Stap
Kromvendreef 35
2900 Schoten Belgium
contact: Lisette von Helmont
phone: 03 658 52 86
Ability Camp
Ontario KDK2T0 Canada
contact: Kevin Hickling
phone: 613 476 7332
fax: 613 476 1379
email: sandy@abilitycamp.com
web site: http://www.abilitycamp.com
Little Leaps
Lower Mainland Purpose Society
40 Begbie Street
New Westminster, B.C.
V3M 3L9 Canada
contact: James Forliti
phone: 604-526-2522
fax: 604-526-6546
email: littleleaps@telus.net
Ontario March of Dimes
10 Overlea Boulevard
Toronto Ontario
M4H 1A4 Canada
contact: Brent Page
phone: 416 425 3463
fax: 416 425 1920
email: bpage@marchofdimes.ca
web site: http://www.marchofdimes.ca
The Movement Centre of Manitoba Inc.
1646 Henderson Hwy
Manitoba R2G 1N7 Canada
contact: Margy Nelson
phone: 204 489 2679
fax: 204 255 2947
email: margy@movementcentre.ca
web site: http://www.movementcentre.ca
CP Skolen
Gustav Zimmersvej 23
9430 Vadum Denmark
contact: Centre Manager
phone: 98 26 96 93
email: bevaegelsesskolen@get2net.dk
web site: http://www.cpskolen.dk/
Konduktiv Pædagogik i Danmark
Primulahaven 52
2765 Smørum Denmark
contact: Jette Olsen
phone: 44 651757
email: nanni@smorumnet.dk
Fachklinik Hohenstucken
Brahmstrasse 38
Brandenberg a d Havel
14772 Germany
contact: Clinic Director
email: info@fachklinikhohenstuecken.de
web site: http://www.wka.de
Im Tale 1
30926 Seelze Germany
contact: Frank Heilmann
web site: http://www.fortschritt-hannover.de/index.htm
Fortschritt - Wurzburg e.V
Fördertagesstätte von FortSchritt-Würzburg e.V.
Ohmstr. 7 Haus 4, Gruppe a und b
Würzburg 97076 Germany
contact: Dr. Christiane Scheller
email: fortschrittwuerzburg@t-online.de
Fortschritt Hannover e.v.
Im Tale 1
30926 Seelze Germany
contact: Frank Heilmann
web site: ww.fortschritt-hannover.de/index.htm
FortSchritt Muenster
Freiburger Weg 69
48151 Münster Germany
contact: Horst Thomas
phone: 0251 / 234399
fax: 01212 - 5268 34184
email: info@fortschritt-muenster.de
web site: http://www.fortschritt-muenster.de/
Institut Kinderneurologie Königstein
Kirchstrasse 9/City-Arkaden
61462 Königstein Germany
contact: NK
phone: 06174-92470
fax: 06174-924747
web site: http://kinderneurologie.com/
Konduktive Forderung
Gutwerkstraße 38 a
63743 Aschaffenburg Germany
contact: Maria Kaup
phone: 06021-310 30
email: info@konduktivefoerderung.de
web site: ww.konduktivefoerderung.de/
Konduktive Förderung Stiftung Pfennigparade
Barlachstraße 26
80804 München Germany
contact: Centre Manager
phone: 089 8393-4000
fax: 089 8393-4004
email: info@pfennigparade.de
web site: ww.pfennigparade.de/index.html
Phoenix GmbH
Konduktive Förderung der Stiftung Pfennigparade
Oberföhringer Straße 150
81925 München Germany
contact: Centre Manager
phone: 089 8393-6393
fax: 089 8393-6395
email: info@phoenix-kf.de
web site: http://www.phoenix-kf.de/
Schritt für Schritt Hamburg
Maria-Louisen-Straße 88
22301 Hamburg Germany
contact: Centre Manager
phone: 040 - 44 72 62
fax: 040 - 44 72 76
email: info@schritt-fuer-schritt.de
web site: http://www.schritt-fuer-schritt.de
SchrittWeise e.V.
Erich Mäder Str. 4
04603 Windischleuba Germany
contact: Christine Burger
phone: 0049-3447-839907
email: burger@schrittweise.org
web site: http://www.schrittweise.org
Zentrum fur Frubehandlung und Fruhforderung
Maarweg 130
50825 Köln Germany
contact: Centre Manager
phone: 0221 - 95 42 50 40
fax: 0221 - 95 42 50 55
email: kontakt@fruehbehandlung.de
web site: ww.fruehbehandlung.de/index.html
Zentrum für Konduktive Therapie
Falkensteinstraße 20
46047 Oberhausen Germany
contact: Udo Fischer
phone: 0208/ 8807611
fax: 0208/ 8807615
email: info@zentrumkonduktivetherapie.de
Butterfly Complex Conductive Institute
Vasvari Pal u. 29
Budapest 1047 Hungary
contact: Vicki Bratini
email: papillon@mail.matav.hu
International Peto Institute
Kutvolgyi u.6
Budapest H1125 Hungary
contact: Dr Makoi Zita
phone: 01 224 1500
fax: 01 355 6649
email: info@peto.hu
web site: http://www.peto.hu
MOIRA Conductive Education Centre
Kelta u.3
Budapest 111
H-1039 Hungary
contact: Agnes Borbely
phone: +36 1 250 2477
fax: +36 1 243 9630
email: AgnesBorbely@moira-cec.hu
web site: http://www.moira-cec.hu/
Tsad Kadima
11 Beit Hadfus St'
P.O.Box 34336
Jerusalem 95483 Israel
contact: Rony Schenker
phone: 02 6540062
fax: 02 6540069
email: step@internet-zahav.net
web site: http://www.tsadkadima.co.il
contact: Centre Manager
phone: 0728681301
fax: 0728681301
email: info@warashibe.or.jp
web site: http://www.warasibe.or.jp/
Conductive Education School Kuwait
Farwaniya, Jordan St.,
Behind Al-Tadamun Sport Club.
P.O. Box 27215-
Safat 13133 Kuwait
contact: Hesah A. Al-Naser
phone: +965 4767129
fax: +965 4734370
email: conductive@cesk.edu.kw
Con Nosotr@s
Apartado Postal 183 Jiutepec
CP62550 Mexico
contact: Margara Millan
email: sermara@aol.com
web site: http://morelosweb.com/connosotros
Stichting Kids
Stichting Kids,
Koolzaad 9
7623 HA Borne Netherlands
contact: Marianne Ellenbroek
phone: 0 74 267 2275
fax: 074 267 2275
email: info@stichtingkids.nl
web site: http://www.conductieveopvoeding.nl/
New Zealand
Addington Primary School CE Unit
22 Brougham Street
Christchurch New Zealand
contact: Trudy Heath
phone: 03 3662909
fax: 03 3662 909
email: conductive.education@addington.school.nz
Auckland CE Foundation
Tui Glen Centre
New Zealand
contact: Centre Manager
phone: +64 (9) 836 6830
fax: +64 (9) 836 6832
email: acef@titan.co.nz
web site: http://www.acef.org.nz
Auckland conductive Education Foundation (Adults) P.O.Box 21
504 Henderson
Auckland New Zealand
contact: Maria Mavoa
phone: 09 836 6830
fax: 09 836 6832
email: acef@titan.co.nz
web site: http://www.acef.org.nz
Cashmere High School CE Unit
Conductive Education Unit (Ages 13-21years)
Rose Street
Cashmere Christchurch New Zealand
contact: Louisa Clissold
phone: 03 332 9129
fax: 03 332 9126
email: cl@cashmere.school.nz
web site: http://www.cashmere.school.nz
Conductive Education Canterbury
71 Vivian Street
Christchurch 8009 New Zealand
contact: Sally Thomas
phone: (0643) 383 3718
fax: {0643) 383 3740
email: cec@clear.net.nz
web site: http://www.cecanterbury.org/
Conductive Education Canterbury Early Intervention
Early Intervention Unit (Pre-school unit)
P.O. Box 9230
22 Brougham Street
Christchurch New Zealand
contact: Rebecca Courtney
phone: 03 372 1399
fax: 03 372 1499
email: cecanterbury@xtra.co.nz
web site: http://www.cecanterbury.org
Conductive Education Southland Trust
Gladstone Scout Hall
P.O. Box 126
Invercargill New Zealand
contact: Kevin Wall
phone: 03 931 0111
email: conductive.ed.southland@xtra.co.nz
web site: http://www.cesouthland.org.nz
Conductive Education Waikato Trust
Conductive Education Early intervention Unit
Fairfield Road
P.O.Box 21217
Hamilton New Zealand
contact: Wilson Jolly
phone: 078 557013
fax: 07 855 7014
email: cewaokato@xtra.co.nz
Conductive Education Wellington Trust
CE Early Intervention Unit (Pre-school children)
Naenae Primary School
Wheatly Street
Naenae New Zealand
contact: Fiona Edwards
email: conductive-ed-wellington@paradise.net.nz
Conductive Education Wellington Trust (Pre-school)
Early Intervention Unit (Pre-school children)
P.O.Box 35 078
Naenae Wellington New Zealand
contact: Fiona Edwards
phone: 04 577 3480
fax: 04 577 3478
email: cewt@xtra.co.nz
Focus 2000 Ltd
Focus - Conductive Education
13 Coyle Street
Sandringham Auckland New Zealand
contact: Focus 2000 Ltd
phone: 09 846 6295
fax: 09 846 1232
web site: ww.conductive.org.nz/conductive.html
Focus Conductive Education
13 Coyle Street
P.O.Box 16 067 Auckland New Zealand
contact: Helen Clare
phone: 09 846 6295
fax: 09 846 1232
email: coned@focus2000.org.nz
web site: http://www.focus2000.org.nz
Naenae Primary School Conductive Education
P.O.Box 35078
Wellington New Zealand
contact: Murray Booten
phone: 04 567 8117
fax: 04 567 8771
email: principal@naenae-primary.school.nz
Woodstock Primary School Conductive Education
Fairfield Road
Hamilton New Zealand
contact: Margot Horne
phone: 07 855 6686
fax: 07 853 7056
email: margoth@woodstock.school.nz
Habilitation Centre
Universtiy Hospital of Tromso
Gimleveien 70
9017 TROMSO Norway
contact: Ole Myrland-Reider
phone: 077 678500
fax: 077 678501
Hedmark Næringspark Bygg 8
2312 OTTESTAD orway
contact: Wenche Bolkan Nordli
phone: 62 58 82 04
fax: 62 58 82 05
email: wenche@pto-senteret.no
web site: http://www.pto-senteret.no/
PTØ-Senteret Stavanger
Gamleveien 5
Stavanger 4018 Norway
contact: Kari Hapnes
phone: 62 58 82 04
email: postmaster@pto-senteret.no
Po Pierwsze Rodzina Association
ul. Pogonowskiego 22
01-564 Warszawa Poland
contact: Makgorzata Bal
phone: 48 (22) 839 6776
fax: 48 (22) 839 6850
email: aga@idn.org.pl
web site: http://www.aga.idn.org.pl
Instituto Espanol de Educacion Conductiva
Camino de Santiago s/n
31190 Cizur Menor
Navarra Spain
contact: Humberto Maravi
phone: 0948 183180/1
fax: 0948 183176
email: carmen@aspacenavarra.org
web site: http://www.petoespana.org
Centrum for konduktiv pedagogik I Vastmanland
Konstnarsvagen 32
724 71 Vasteras Sweden
contact: Silva Bartl, Jiri Bartl
phone: +46 21 356921
email: jiri.bartl@swipnet.se
web site: http://www.konduktivpedagogik.com/
Fram Assistans
Konstnärsvägen 32
724 71 Västerås Sweden
contact: Centre Manager
phone: 021-356921
fax: 073-5899427
email: fram.assistans@gmail.com
web site: http://www.konduktivpedagogik.com/
Move & Walk Sverige AB
Queckfeldtsgatan 114
S-571 37 Nassjo Sweden
contact: Eszter Horvath Tothne
phone: 038073500
fax: 038017252
email: info@movewalk.se
web site: http://www.movewalk.se/eng/
Mullback Institutet
Smedjeg. 15
54631 Karlsborg Sweden
contact: Lars Mullback
phone: 0505 12070
fax: 0505 59222
email: info@mullback.nu
web site: http://www.mullback.nu
One Step - Vaxjo
Ljungfälleskolan Särskolan
Drabantvägen 4
352 54 Växjö Sweden
contact: Judit Kovacs
phone: 0470/ 43 628
email: konduktivpedagogik@blixtmail.se
Varmlands Association for Conductive Education
Myre 67140 Åmotfors 67140 Åmotfors
contact: Lars Wiren
phone: 0571-35013
email: lars.wiren@mbox301.swipnet.se
Varmlands Forening for Konduktiv Pedagogik
c/o Wiren
Berg Nytomta
Amotfors S-67040 Sweden
contact: Lars Wiren
phone: 0571 35013
fax: 0571 35066
email: Lars.wiren@mbox301.swipnet.se
Blackfriars School
Priory Road
Staffs England ST5 2TF
email: clilley@blackfriars.staffs.sch.uk
web site: http://www.sln.org.uk/blackfriars
Buddy Bear Trust
Killyman Road
Co. Tyrone
Northern Ireland BT71 6DE
Cerebral Palsy Care
Bradbury House,View Road
Cliffe Woods
Rochester, Kent
England ME3 8UJ
email: tlc.cpckent@btconect.com
web site: http://www.cerebralpalsycare.co.uk
Conductive Education Centre (Hornsey Trust)
54 Muswell Hill
London England N10 3ST
email: info@hornseytrust.org.uk
web site: http://www.hornseytrust.org.uk
Conductive Education Support Services
The Conductive Education Support Centre
2 Bridge Farmhouse
Lyndhurst Road, Brockenhurst
Hampshire, England SO42 7TR
email: info@conductive-educationsupport.com
Craig-y-Parc School
Pentyrch Cardiff Wales CF15 9NB
email: uschool@aol.com
Dame Vera Lynn School for Parents
Five Oaks
West Sussex
England RH14 9AX
email: trustoffice@dvltrust.org.uk
Dynamite Project
Priory School
Orchard Avenue, off Burnham Lane
Berkshire, England SL1 6HE
email: sue@dynamitekids.net
web site: http://www.dynamitekids.net
Greenhall Community Special School
Second Avenue
Stafford, Staffs England ST16 1PS
Hebden Green Community Special School
Woodford Lane West
Cheshire England CW7 4EJ
email: admin@hebdengreen.cheshire.sch.uk
Hereward College
Bramston Crescent
Tile Hill Lane
Coventry, Warks
England CV4 9SW
email: enquiries@hereward.ac.uk
web site: http://www.hereward.ac.uk
Horton Lodge Community Special School
Staffs England ST13 8RD
email: headteacher@hortonlodge.staffs.sch.uk
Independent Conductive Education Services
38 Raleigh Road
Leasowe Wirral CH46 2DZ
email: ices@fsmail.net
web site: http://www.i-ce-s.com
Ingfield Manor School
Five Oaks
West Sussex
England RH14 9AX
email: ingfield.manor@scope.org.uk
International Therapeutic Initiative UK
12 Harts Road
Aylesbury, Bucks
England HP17 8HJ
email: info@iti-uk.org
web site: http://www.iti-uk.org
Lighthouse Trust Summer School
c/o Gordons Chemists
New Street
Donaghadee, County Down
Northern Ireland
email: confeystud@eircom.net
Megan Baker House
Moreton Eye
Herefordshire England HR6 0DP
email: jo@meganbakerhouse.org.uk
Milestone School
Longford Lane
England GL2 9EU
web site: http://www.themilestoneschool.ik.org/
National Institute of Conductive Education
Cannon Hill House
Russell Road
Moseley, Birmingham England B13 8RD
email: foundation@conductive-education.org.uk
National School for Children with Cerebral Palsy
PO Box 203 EDO
Mount Pleasant Lane
Cardiff Wales CF23 9YQ
contact: Colin H. Mock FCMI.,MInstF
email: help@conductive-edu.org.uk
Pace Centre
Philip Green House
Coventon Road
Aylesbury, Bucks
England HP19 9JL
email: pace.centre@virgin.net
web site: http://www.pacecentre.co.uk
Paces High Green School for Conductive Education
Paces High Green Centre
Packhorse Lane
High Green, Sheffield
England S35 3HY
email: paces@btinternet.com
web site: http://www.paces-school.org.uk
Percy Hedley School
Station Road
Forest Hall
Newcastle England NE12 8YY
contact: Centre Manager
email: foundation@percyhedley.org.uk
web site: http://www.percyhedley.org.uk
Rainbow House
Langton Brow
Lancashire England TR7 5PB
email: info@rainbow-house.com
Rutland House School
Elm Bank
Mapperley Road, Nottingham
England NG3 5AJ
email: rutland.house@scope.org.uk
Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairment
Craighalbert Centre
1 Craighalbert Way
Scotland G68 0LS
email: sccmi@craighalbert.org.uk
web site: http://www.craighalbert.org.uk
Small Steps
Greenmead School
St Margaret's Crescent
Putney, London
England SW15 6HL
email: info@smallstepssfp.co.k
web site: http://www.smallstepssf.co.uk
Step Together Centre for Conductive Education
Rear of The Meadows School
Whitworth Lane
Spennymoor, Co. Durham DL16 7QW
web site: http://www.StepTogether.org.uk
STEPS Leicestershire CE Centre
40 Loughborough Road
Leicester, England LE12 9DN
contact: Indila Simandi
email: heacra@care4free.net
web site: http://www.stepscentre.org
Stick 'n Step
St John's Church
128 Bebington Road
New Ferry, Cheshire England CH62 5BJ
web site: http://sticknstep.smartchange.org/
The Bear Necessities
10 Church Street
Bingham Notts England NG13 8AL
email: tracielinehan@hotmail.com
email: tracielinehan@hotmail.com
The Rainbow Centre for Conductive Education
The Bradbury Building
Palmerston Drive
Fareham, Hants England PO14 1BJ
email: enquiries@rainbowcentre.org
web site: http://www.rainbowcentre.org
Time for Tots, Thurrock & District CP Society
Dilkswood Centre
Darenth Lane
Ockendon, Essex England RM15 5RS
Treloar School
Upper Froyle
Hampshire England GU34 4LA
email: headteacher@treloar.org.uk
email: headteacher@treloar.org.uk
web site: http://www.treloar.org.uk
Unity Conductive Education
Unit 36-38 Unity Business Centre
Roundhay Road
Leeds, Yorkshire England LS7 1AB
email: Unityconductiveeducation@yahoo.co.uk
web site: http://www.unity-ce.com
Villa Real School
Villa Real Road
Co Durham England DH8 6BH
contact: Centre Manager
email: villareal@durhamlea.org.uk
web site: ww.villareal.durham.sch.uk/index.htm
A Child Can Do All Things
7000 Independence Parkway
Suite 160
Box 125
Plano, Texas 75025
email: accdats@accdats.com
web site: http://www.accdats.com
711 Bingham Street
Pittsburgh PA 15203
contact: Lynda S. Wright, PhD
email: lwright@achieva.info
web site: http://www.achieva.info
Association for Conductive Education and Related S
P.O.Box 217
Middletown New Jersey 07748
contact: ACERSI
email: info@acersi.org
web site: http://www.acersi.org
Beginning Steps to Independence
PO Box 53613
San Jose CA 95153 - 0613
contact: Craig Roberts
email: begsteps@conductiveed.org
web site: http://www.conductiveed.org/
Boost Camp for CE of Sonoma County
1425 Corporate Center Parkway
Santa Rosa
California CA 95407
contact: Susy McBride
email: SusyMcB@aol.com
web site: http://www.boostcamp.org
Boston Area Conductive Education Foundation
304 Waban Ave
Newton Massachusetts 02168
contact: c/o Faye Blacker
C P Ability Center
2445 Army Navy Drive
3rd Floor
Arlington Virginia 22206
contact: Reneta Toth
email: cpac@cpabilitycenter.org
web site: http://www.cpabilitycenter.org/
California C.E. Foundation, Inc.
12030 Talus Place
Beverley Hills
California CA 90210
contact: c/o Mr Quentin Leef
Can-do-Camp for Conductive Education
536 Calle Aparejo
Santa Barbara CA 93111
contact: c/o Eric and Stacy Baron
Center for Independence Through Conductive Education
100 W. Plainfield Road
Suite 100
Countryside Illinois 60525
contact: Patricia Herbst
email: pcherbst_1@msn.com
2121 Country Club Drive
California 91741
contact: Jim Prust
email: info@conductability.org
web site: http://www.conductability.org
Conductive Education Center
1400 Shattuck Avenue
Berkley CA 94709 1441
contact: c/o Ed and Meredith Gold
Conductive Education Center of Hawaii
3810 Maunaloa
Hawaii 96816
contact: c/o Larry Ward
Conductive Education center of Long Island
91 North Bayview Avenue
Freeport New York 11520
contact: Leslie Altman
Conductive Education Center of Orlando
4800 Howell Branch Road
Winter Park
Florida 32792
contact: Dusty Echavez
email: dusty@cecfl.org
web site: http://www.cecfl.org/
Conductive Education Center of Metro Detroit
P.O. Box 7083
Sterling Heights
MI 48331-7083
contact: Centre Manager
email: info@cecmd.com
web site: http://www.cecmd.com/
Conductive Education in Greater Philadelphia
19 Birch Road
Pennsylvania 19355
contact: c/o Barbara Brown
Conductive Education of Dallas
7001 Kingshollow Drive
Dallas Texas 75248
contact: c/o Tamala Day
Conductive Education of Galax
388 Coleman Lane
Galax VA 24333
contact: Jean Felts
email: Jfelts2@yahoo.com
Conductive Education of New Mexico
CarrieTingley Hospital Foundation
700 Lomas Blvd NE
Building #2, Suite 204
Albquerque NM 87102 - 2568
contact: c/o Kim Buckle
email: kim@emeraldbuckle.com
Conductive Education of Northwest Arkansas
1 310 W. Robinson Ave
Springdale AR 72766
contact: Leslie Porter
email: leslie@ucpark.org
web site: http://www.cenaar.org/
Conductive Education of Pittsburgh
7010 Thomas Blvd
Pittsburgh PA 15208
contact: Tina Calabro
email: info@ce-pgh.
Conductive Education of Utah
6531 S Owensboro Dr
West Jordan
Utah 84084
contact: Jodi Hansen